[Rhodes22-list] The Democrats new promise "A New Direction
for America" (Political)
Rob Lowe
rlowe at vt.edu
Fri Jan 12 09:00:46 EST 2007
My Dad sent the same thing to me. More meaningless drivel. You can cherry
pick event's to make a case that the party in power is doing well/poorly
anytime. But to address the lowest hanging fruit.
> *The Federal deficit is down almost 50% over last year, just as
There was NO federal deficit when Bush was elected. In fact there was a
surplus. To claim sucess for reducing the yearly debt is meaningless. To
take it a step farther, when Bush was elected the total Federal debt was
something like $6 trillion. It's now $9 trillion. 1/3 of the current
national debt (in a nation over 200 years old) has been racked up in the
last 5 years. Now if that money have been invested in infrastructure or
gone towards programs that had benefited the general populace, than maybe
that's tolerable. But in reality the money went for the most part to the
uber rich in the form of tax cuts. Bush's war in Iraq has totaled about 0.5
trillion so far, also financed with debt. Which means your children,
grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will be saddled with it while we get
to enjoy our couple hundred dollar a year tax reduction bone that they threw
> *Not a single terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11/01.*
9/11/01? What an interesting choice of dates. Why not choose 9/10/01 or
9/09/01? The facts are the worse terrorist attack in the history of our
country took place under a republican administration. And this is after the
previous administraction told the Bush administration the danger posed by
Al-Queida, which was not taken seriously. When will the American people
hold the Bush administration responsible for failing to protect us? and
let's not forget the second worse terrorist attack on Americans, the bombing
of the Marine barracks in Lebonon, which happened under President Regan.
But republicans love to point to the attack on the US Cole (during the
Clinton adminstration) where 17 sailors were killed. When republicans start
holding republicans accountable then I'll take this stuff seriously.
- Rob
(all politicians are scum)
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