[Rhodes22-list] honking hook

Tootle ekroposki at charter.net
Fri Mar 9 16:47:47 EST 2007


     What year is your boat?  How many owners have fixed, rebuilt and added? 
On the positive side you know the words plastic and phenolic.  When you want
a secure attachment it should be marine plywood or metal, preferably
stainless steel, usually 316.  Furthermore, insure that all shackles,
eyebolts, U-bolts, cleats, etc. have a backing plate, preferably stainless
steel, usually 316, but at least solid wood or marine plywood.

As you proceed, remember a few things.  It is an old boat, while I have been
on it and it was known to be a good boat, do things with caution.  Initially
do not assume anything until you can remember that you have personally
checked it before.  Even then some things are best checked every time, the
term safety applies.

You do not need to replace this at this time, unless you have strong desire
to do so.  Most other Rhodes 22 do not have anything else there.  You could
put an anchor guide there.  Maybe a windlass back a little.

So are you going to name it Remus?  http://www.uncleremus.com/initiates.html

Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA
Addendum:  http://www.defender.com/category.jsp?path=-1|10391&id=29596

jlock wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Hope the photo is attached to this.  The trailer I got under my boat 
> is not the standard issue for an R22.  It works, but has issues, one 
> of which is a woefully undersized winch and strap.
> While preparing the boat for her trip, I decided we needed an 
> additional strap attached to this great, honking hook hanging from 
> the bow.  Great idea... right?  As soon as I tensioned the strap, the 
> shackle behind the hook snapped right in half.  Upon inspection, it 
> was only a plastic or phenolic mounting behind the shackle 
> pin.  Obviously, the hook attached to it was really optimistic, 
> because there's no way the shackle could have handled the load that 
> the hook implied.
> So, my question is - "What is supposed to be mounted at this point on 
> bow and what should I replace it with?"
> Cheers!
> John Lock
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ?????? - '79 Rhodes 22
> Lake Sinclair, GA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Name: hook_photo.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 26321 bytes Desc: not
> available
> Url:
> http://www.rhodes22.org/pipermail/rhodes22-list/attch/200703/09/hook_photo.jpg
> John Lock
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ?????? - '79 Rhodes 22
> Lake Sinclair, GA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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