[Rhodes22-list] honking hook

John Lock jlock at relevantarts.com
Sat Mar 10 11:03:33 EST 2007

At 04:47 PM 3/9/2007 -0800, you wrote:
>      What year is your boat?  How many owners have fixed, rebuilt and added?

The year is in my signature line - '79.  I know of 4 owners so 
far.  Going backwards in time - Chet, Art, Rodger, someone before 
Rodger.  Rodger did the most major work, restoring some fairly 
extensive damage I understand.  Art did a lot of interior work I 
believe.  That's as much as I know so far.  (Art/Rodger, chime in if 
you have details).

>On the positive side you know the words plastic and phenolic.  When you want
>a secure attachment it should be marine plywood or metal, preferably
>stainless steel, usually 316.  Furthermore, insure that all shackles,
>eyebolts, U-bolts, cleats, etc. have a backing plate, preferably stainless
>steel, usually 316, but at least solid wood or marine plywood.

Make sense, all I need to figure out is how secure this particular 
attachment should be.

>As you proceed, remember a few things.  It is an old boat, while I have been
>on it and it was known to be a good boat, do things with caution.  Initially
>do not assume anything until you can remember that you have personally
>checked it before.  Even then some things are best checked every time, the
>term safety applies.

Good advice, and I'm starting some of that already.  It's a lot 
easier if you have a baseline to compare against.  I don't have that 
yet, but taking lots of notes for future reference!

>You do not need to replace this at this time, unless you have strong desire
>to do so.  Most other Rhodes 22 do not have anything else there.  You could
>put an anchor guide there.  Maybe a windlass back a little.

Excellent, that's the kind of feedback I was looking for.  If it 
doesn't have a critical function right now, it can wait.

>So are you going to name it Remus?  http://www.uncleremus.com/initiates.html

HA!  A very appropriate selection... thanks for the reference.  But I 
suspect the name will not me that "local".


John Lock
?????? - '79 Rhodes 22
Lake Sinclair, GA

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