[Rhodes22-list] Winter storage questions

Daniel Snyder dancsnyder at comcast.net
Mon Nov 5 08:52:02 EST 2007


This year after securing the mast horizontally on the pulpit and mast 
crutch I bought a section of 4 inch pvc pipe to which I fitted another 
pvc section...forming a T of sorts.  I then cut the long section to size 
and installed it in my mast tabernacle as a midship brace for the mast.  
I drilled a hole at the bottom of the pipe and used my large mast bolt 
to keep it in place within the mast tabernacle...then cross bungeed the 
mast to the T section.  I sure takes some of the weight strain off the 
mid section of the mast, which becomes a little heavy with the 175 genoa 
strapped to it.  Probably overkill but I did it anyway.  Works nicely.  
Dan in NH

R22RumRunner at aol.com wrote:
> David,
> Welcome to the list. You didn't mention if you had the mast crutch?  Assuming 
> you do, yes, you can store the mast with the sail left where it is. It  will 
> do just fine facing downward.. One thing you want to do is keep snow and  ice 
> from accumulating in the cockpit and keep leaves out also. Leaves will clog  
> the drains and turn the cockpit into a large pond. Buy a really good tarp (not  
> the cheap blue ones) and cover as much as you can making sure that it is 
> secured  well. You don't want anything flapping in the breeze and damaging your 
> boat.  I've seen people use plastic milk jugs half filled with either water or 
> sand to  hold a tarp in place, Also make sure your water tank is winterized by 
> using  non-toxic RV anti freeze and run it to the sink. 
> Rummy
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