[Rhodes22-list] Winter storage questions

john Belanger jhnblngr at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 5 11:59:43 EST 2007

like that better than 4x4. thanks. i used water bottles filled with sand for weights on the tarp last year. i drilled a hole in the cap for the line. being the lowest point on the hanging tarp, they were always filling up with water. going to use handled bottles this  year.

Daniel Snyder <dancsnyder at comcast.net> wrote:  Rummy,

This year after securing the mast horizontally on the pulpit and mast 
crutch I bought a section of 4 inch pvc pipe to which I fitted another 
pvc section...forming a T of sorts. I then cut the long section to size 
and installed it in my mast tabernacle as a midship brace for the mast. 
I drilled a hole at the bottom of the pipe and used my large mast bolt 
to keep it in place within the mast tabernacle...then cross bungeed the 
mast to the T section. I sure takes some of the weight strain off the 
mid section of the mast, which becomes a little heavy with the 175 genoa 
strapped to it. Probably overkill but I did it anyway. Works nicely. 
Dan in NH

R22RumRunner at aol.com wrote:
> David,
> Welcome to the list. You didn't mention if you had the mast crutch? Assuming 
> you do, yes, you can store the mast with the sail left where it is. It will 
> do just fine facing downward.. One thing you want to do is keep snow and ice 
> from accumulating in the cockpit and keep leaves out also. Leaves will clog 
> the drains and turn the cockpit into a large pond. Buy a really good tarp (not 
> the cheap blue ones) and cover as much as you can making sure that it is 
> secured well. You don't want anything flapping in the breeze and damaging your 
> boat. I've seen people use plastic milk jugs half filled with either water or 
> sand to hold a tarp in place, Also make sure your water tank is winterized by 
> using non-toxic RV anti freeze and run it to the sink. 
> Rummy
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