[Rhodes22-list] Speaking of Winter - Heating Question

bobmellor rhmello at aol.com
Mon Nov 19 13:00:16 EST 2007


If you end up going kerosene...

Over the years, I've had both torpedo and regular kerosene heaters in my
detached 2-story garage..

Used the torpedo first, quick heat, but despite numerous adjustments it
still gave off a lot of kerosene oder.... (and thus the wrath of my wife for
my clothes smelling when i went back in the house)

Sold it to a buddy, then switched to a regular Toyo heater....   Takes
longer to heat the building from a dead cold, but a lot nicer... almost
oderless, and once fired up can be set at a real low flame for long
operating time while still cranking our decent heat..

keep it nice and toasty so if I when I get down there again it starts up..

Bob M

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