[Rhodes22-list] a new world is coming to the rhodes22 list

Bill Effros bill at effros.com
Wed Dec 31 14:06:28 EST 2008


When you announced you were going to "take over" the list I asked if 
there would be any changes and you said everything would remain the 
same--the only difference was that we would be using your server.

It's not your list, and it's not Michael's list.

Before Michael started this list, I offered to do so for Stan.  Stan 
asked me to help Michael, and I have been doing that ever since.  A lot 
of us have put in many more hours than you can possibly imagine getting 
this list to this point.

If you want to start some new list (which has been tried many times in 
the past) or you want to simply join one of the others, please do so.  I 
will be happy to maintain this list just as it has always been.

But that is not what you and Michael propose.  Michael speaks of 
destroying the list in order to save it.  You want to set up some goofy 
"American Idol" list membership selection process presided over by...why 
it seems to be you! 

"Save your long-winded complaints and howls of injustice. They will be 

You're off to a great start.

Bill Effros

PS -- Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the most recent Penetrol 
discussion was started by someone who will no longer be on your version 
of the list.  And the question, as I remember it, revolved around 
airplanes, not boats.  And I, who will also be banned from your list 
because Michael is mad at me, was able to come up with 84 prior 
responses, while you could come up with only 11.  But I realized the 
answers in the current go-round were materially different from the 
answers from past go-rounds, so I didn't post any, while you couldn't 
figure out where to find the information, so you didn't even know new 
information was being presented.

Please don't help Michael destroy Stan's list.  I don't know why you 
would want to do this.  There is no benefit to anyone.

John Lock wrote:
> With respect to Michael and his Blackberry-speak, let me summarize 
> what we are thinking -
> 1) Posting of "mean spirited" personal attacks, verbal abuse, and 
> other egregious behavior (at our discretion) will no longer be 
> tolerated.  You want to talk politics and exchange views?  Go ahead, 
> but when you start back-biting and rolling around in the dirt you 
> will enjoy a little vacation from the list.
> 2) Neither Michael nor I wants to be in this position, but we're 
> forced into it.  In the long run I am researching some ways to let 
> the list supervise itself.  That is - miscreants can be nominated for 
> a "time out".  If a large enough percentage the of membership agrees 
> the suspension will be automatic.  Simply click your vote and watch 
> the results.  (Simplified version... more research is required).
> 3) I will be researching installation of wiki software to capture 
> some of the collective knowledge of the group in a form that's more 
> useful than the e-mail archives.  However, the content will come for 
> you, the members of this list.  The main reason a wiki fails is that 
> people expect it to be magically populated with all the information 
> they seek.  Doesn't work that way.  I'm going to try to develop some 
> migration tools to get it started, but in the end it is a product of 
> a (very large) group effort.
> 4) Save your long-winded complaints and howls of injustice.  They 
> will be ignored.
> And as always... Cheers!
> John Lock
>> He is the working idea.
>> 1)      Is the problem is not so much the off subject post, as long as the
>> are entertaining there is no real issue, funny, informative, nice..
>> 2)      The problem is the people using "mean sprite" , pounding on people,
>> people on ego trips that they must change the world by changing the view of
>> the members, being a PITA
>> To that end.
>> 1)      in the short: people using "mean sprite" , pounding on people,
>> people on ego trips that they must change the world by changing the view of
>> the members. Can and will be suspended buy me and john at our whim, using
>> current tools. Willing to listen to some group feedback but really  the
>> right to suspend and remove PITA's
>> 2)      in the long term both me and john no not have the time for this.
>> Thinking along the lines of a "trusted" group of people can numerated a
>> poster for suspend/remove/band that a larger group of list members can vote
>> on(the jury, maybe post #/length of time on the list weighted). Web based
>> system. Me and john then become the "apples board. The real question in most
>> cases would be are you a PITA and worth it
>> 3)      there is a question about a wiki(ben), we tried it once but let's
>> try again, it could have broad applies
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