[Rhodes22-list] picture e-mailing continued - followed by political commentary...

Tootle ekroposki at charter.net
Sun Feb 24 13:28:58 EST 2008

Everybody, especially John Belanger, needs to read John Locks explaination of
email and attaching pictures thereon until they understand it.

John B.  there are two different ways to send and receive emails.  You need
to spend the time studying the two and understand the differences.

After seeing John B.'s reply about insurance, I believe that he expects the
Federal Government to solve his problem.  He is a true Socialist, or fellow

John B., insurance is still controlled by the states.  Rules to sell
insurance are different in each state.  Many life insurance companies cannot
do business in all 50 states.  Many property and casuality companies do not
do business in all states.  But you are going to compell them to do so.  

Insurance rates are figured out by Actuaries, which is a special statistical
science.  Insurance rates are controlled by states for each state.  Uh, you
mean that states really control the rates?  Yes, states control the rates. 
And if company cannot set rates to stay in business in a state, then John is
going to compel them to stay in business.  What would you call this way of
doing things?  Does it sound like dictatorship?  

Now be it understood, that those who advocate the government provide heath
insurance coverage, think the same way.  Compel others to pay for someone
else's health insurance.  Could someone give me the definition of Communism?

Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA

jlock wrote:
> At 10:38 PM 2/23/2008 -0800, you wrote:
>>i'd really like to know the answer to that one. the default email 
>>program on my computer is outlook express. i use yahoo. i always 
>>have to punch the email link, which then opens an outlook express 
>>box, copy or cut the address out of the box, and paste it into the 
>>yahoo mail compose box. the dropdown menu selection box in control 
>>panel doesn't have yahoo as a choice, nor a blank box where i can 
>>type it in. is it possible to get around this, do you know? thanks. john b
> The problem is that Yahoo is not e-mail software that you install on 
> your computer.  It is web-based e-mail, which means that you do all 
> your e-mailing via your web browser, not an e-mail program on your 
> computer.  The Windows default e-mail setting expects to be pointed 
> at some program installed on your computer.  And Windows cannot give 
> you a way to point the default e-mail program at a website (like Yahoo).
> This causes a great deal of confusion for people who use web-based 
> e-mail, because they expect Yahoo (or whatever) to come up when you 
> click the various "Send as e-mail" links in Windows.  But that's just 
> not going to happen.  You'll usually just end up launching Outlook 
> and it probably hasn't been set up with your e-mail server 
> settings.  It's a downward spiral from there...
> Unfortunately, if you're going to depend on web-based e-mail you're 
> going to have to accept some limitations in the way your OS handles 
> e-mail.  Macs have the same issue.  It's not a short-coming of the 
> OS, it's really a result of co-opting the web to handle e-mail.
> Cheers!
> John Lock
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> s/v Pandion - '79 Rhodes 22
> Lake Sinclair, GA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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