[Rhodes22-list] Italy...San Marco 5

elle watermusic38 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 26 09:53:29 EST 2008

Thanks, John...that makes sense given its location off the Adriatic..
  BTW...I forgot to include the URL for a good (relative term!) map of Venice...you will be able to zoom in & then move the selection box to hone in on an area..It may help to picture our travels...;^)

john Belanger <jhnblngr at yahoo.com> wrote:
what is little realized is that venice is a deep water port, not just a little village on the sea. thanks. 

elle wrote:
One more...


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1992 Rhodes 22 Recyc '06 "WaterMusic" (Lady in Red)

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 1992 Rhodes 22   Recyc '06  "WaterMusic"   (Lady in Red)
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