[Rhodes22-list] Electrical Advice - Knock it off Ed

John Lock jlock at relevantarts.com
Tue Jul 22 11:53:39 EDT 2008

At 07:36 AM 7/22/2008 -0700, Tootle wrote:
>Lee said, "I assume I have too many lights connected to one breaker."  If
>there are no other issues that is the most logical reason.

Followed by...

>Political Statement:  As to being an Obama hater, I just expect the 
>highest... blah, blah, blah, etc.

Ed, you are the first one to jump in somebody's shit about changing 
the subject line to reflect content.  Yet you insist on injecting 
your political tripe into a sailing thread.  I, for one, do not enjoy 
being sucker punched by this deception.  Nor do any of us appreciate 
how this pollutes your precious archives.  Practice what you preach 
or quit preachin'.

John Lock
s/v Pandion - '79 Rhodes 22
Lake Sinclair, GA

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