[Rhodes22-list] Political....this is interesting.

Bill Effros bill at effros.com
Thu Nov 20 14:31:02 EST 2008


Internet search engines are getting manipulated, and it's become harder 
and harder to find back stuff you once saw, and want to see again.

As I understand it, BO didn't let his license lapse until after a formal 
complaint was filed against him by Andy Martin in early 2007 seeking 
disbarment on the basis of failure to disclose his "Barry Soetoro" 
identity on the line asking: "Have you ever been known by any other name?"

Obama gave up his license rather than dispute the charge.  I call that 
"being forced to give up his license," albeit not by the Illinois Bar 
which no longer had jurisdiction over him by virtue of the fact he had 
already relinquished the license.

Michelle's raise was actually much larger than 100%.  She went from 
$121,910 to $316,962 at the non-profit hospital which said she was very 
much worth it because she was "a person of color" needed by the hospital 
to speak to her community which had been excluded from using the 
hospital's services owing to an inability to pay.

What's more, Michelle switched from full time to part time status at the 
same time, so the raise was really a whopper!  But truly well worth it 
because newly elected Senator Obama anonymously inserted earmarks for 
her employer into Senate bills in excess of $1 million.

There is no constitutional crisis provided Obama's citizenship is 
settled before the Electoral College meets on Dec. 15.  Electors must 
vote in most states as their state party dictates--if Obama is 
determined to be an ineligible candidate the state parties can direct 
their electors to vote for someone else.

If the Democrats are deliberately creating an avoidable Constitutional 
crisis, I don't think we should let them get away with it.

I can prove I'm a citizen in less than a minute.  I was born in NYC and 
I can prove it.  I'm sure that everyone else on this list who is a 
citizen can prove it, also.

I originally thought this charge was far fetched, too.  But as Mr. Berg 
pointed out months ago, it is simple to disprove the charge, and almost 
every citizen has nearby paperwork to do so.

No one has ever vouched for Obama's claim of birth in Hawaii -- 
including his now dead Grandmother.  His other grandmother has stated he 
was born in Kenya, and she was there!

When Obama went to Hawaii to visit his dying white grandmother there was 
speculation he would leave Hawaii with proof of US Citizenship.  If he 
has obtained that proof, it sure would be nice to see it before there is 
a constitutional crisis.

Bill Effros

Brad Haslett wrote:
> Bill,
> Just one nit to pick here - he actually wasn't forced to give-up his
> license, both he and Michelle allowed their law licenses to lapse into
> inactive status.  In Michelle's case, that might make some sense
> because she got a 100% raise when her husband was elected to the US
> Senate. Winning earmarks for her employer made her more valuable than
> practicing law and she didn't have to keep-up with the continuing
> education requirements. In BHO's case, he could avoid ethics issues as
> his political stock rose, for example, admitted prior use of drugs and
> perhaps citizenship issues.
> I've specifically stayed away from these ongoing citizenship theories
> because I figured, sooner or later, BHO would produce the
> documentation to make fools of everyone and the issue would fade.
> There's only one small flaw in my theory - he's obfuscated at every
> step of the way on every question raised.
> Let's hope this is just a "tempest in a teapot" and we don't face a
> constitutional crisis.  On the other hand, it would be irresponsible
> of us as citizens to let a candidate to make a mockery of our laws,
> er, I mean other than campaign finance laws.
> Brad
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 10:09 AM, Bill Effros <bill at effros.com> wrote:
>> Brad,
>> I don't believe Obama had a US passport at that time.
>> In order to get a US passport showing your "nationality" as "United
>> States of America" you must prove you are a US citizen.  I don't believe
>> Obama could do that in1981.
>> The passport office specifically states that the short form registry of
>> live birth provided by the Obama campaign is not sufficient proof of
>> American Citizenship.  Supporting early childhood records, which could
>> be used, show Obama was an Indonesian citizen with a different name.
>> There is no record I am aware of that Obama ever claimed his US
>> citizenship or his birth father's name.  He lied about his Indonesian
>> identity on his application for a law license in Illinois and was forced
>> to give up the license as a result.
>> The "Obama" administration looks a whole lot like what a "Clinton"
>> administration would have looked like if she became president.  If Obama
>> is ruled ineligible for the Presidency, Democratic electors in the
>> electoral college could be instructed to cast their ballots for Clinton
>> instead, and she could be elected President of the United States.  (She
>> could pardon Obama for all crimes committed, even those not yet charged
>> a la Ford and Nixon.)
>> Rummy,
>> Thanks, it IS interesting.
>> Obama could have put an end to this a long time ago by simply providing
>> information substantiating that he was born in Hawaii and legally
>> reclaimed his American citizenship at some point prior to running for
>> President.  Even then, there would be an open question about the
>> meaning of the "natural born citizen" clause of the Constitution, but
>> there is a real question here, that has not been addressed by Obama or
>> the Democrats.
>> It will be interesting to see how it shakes out.
>> Bill Effros
>> Brad Haslett wrote:
>>> Rummy,
>>> Don't forget the Alan Keyes lawsuit filed November 12 in California
>>> where Dr. Keyes was on the ballot.
>>> http://www.soundinvestments.us/files/final_writ_keyes_v_bowen.pdf
>>> What's interesting about the Keyes lawsuit is the question it raises
>>> about the trip to Pakistan (illegal for US citizens at the time).  Did
>>> O just break the law or was he traveling on a foreign passport?
>>> Brad
>>> On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 9:09 AM,  <R22RumRunner at aol.com> wrote:
>>>> _http://disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?disc=149495;article=121795;title=A
>>>> PFN_
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