[Rhodes22-list] food for thought

TN Rhodey tnrhodey at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 09:04:24 EDT 2008

I don't think Obama will win unless he has double digit lead in polls. Many
who say they will vote for a Black candidate in public will vote white
behind the curtain. I am not pointing a finger at anyone on this list. This
is just my opinion.


On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 8:44 AM, Joe Babb <joe.babb at comcast.net> wrote:

> Brad,
> I rarely weigh in on the political debate on this forum.
> But racism and bigotry are sadly too much alive in this country.
> I know one staunchly republican couple who voted for Hillary in the
> primary.  Why?
> Because they were trying to prevent Obama from being the Democratic
> candidate.  Why?
> They explained that they didn't want a black AND a muslim to have a
> chance to be president.
> Nuff said.
> Joe
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