[Rhodes22-list] guilt by association tactics tanking

petelargo petelauritzen at earthlink.net
Tue Oct 21 11:34:50 EDT 2008

good. you are getting the idea of how neo-mccarthy mental disorder works.
stay off issues and attack character by saying it enough so it makes it true
(to the stupid anyway).  some are into the
"guilt-by-association-conspiratorial-connect-the-dots-game. I could do it
with mccain and his connections and I could do it even better with sister
sarah's connections. there is not one shred of evidence that obama campaign
started in ayers living room. but it has been stated many times here as a
fact. no real honesty there. bottom line: no one cares. people realize that
we no longer have the 'luxury' of these juvenile mental gymnastics.   



Ben Cittadino wrote:
> Sorry Guys;
> With two weeks to go before the election, and serious issues to discuss, I
> will not participate in a debate that leaps from real issues like the
> Powell endorsement, tax policy and the deficit to silliness like whether
> Sen Obama is eligible to run.  This thread has run it's course for me.
> Ben C.
> Hank-5 wrote:
>> For those of you who are interested, here is a link to all of the court
>> documents.
>> http://dockets.justia.com/docket/court-paedce/case_no-2:2008cv04083/case_id-281573/
>> Hank
>> On 10/21/08, Tom Bickerstaff <tabick at mchsi.com> wrote:
>>> I personally met Mr. Berg more than twenty years ago at a Philadelphia
>>> Rotary Club meeting.  He struck me then as being strongly Democratic.  I
>>> see
>>> smoke, and usually where there's smoke, there's fire.
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyspCRmJv7w
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