[Rhodes22-list] POLITICAL - Hail Citizen, was Ben, I'm a Republican voting for Obama
Herb Parsons
hparsons at parsonsys.com
Thu Oct 23 21:59:05 EDT 2008
I think any question about property rights comparing them to those in
the USA, would have to have a time period attached, as we've moved into
the era where eminent domain now includes "taking from you to give to
someone else, so the tax rate will go up, so we can get more money".
I don't think that was the original intent. Now that we've gotten to
that point, rest assured, the chipping away will continue.
Brad Haslett wrote:
> Hank,
> This is really a reply to Andrew, but for some reason, his reply
> didn't come through but yours did.
> Andrew,
> You wrote," Brad, are property rights in the PRC equal to those here in the
> good ol' USA? Think about it, buddy. Ask your wife, she will know."
> Here's your answer, buddy. My wife knows both sides of the story -
> lived them. It is not theory with her, buddy. We own property with
> her sister who happens to be in the 'good ole USA' as we speak going
> through training with her European employer, buddy.
> Did I mention she (my sister-in-law) has an MBA from a NYC based
> university and spent her graduation weekend as the guest of a list
> member, buddy?
> Blow all the smoke out your ass you want. Don't try to blow it up
> mine. Come to my house for dinner. We'll talk reality, not smoke.
> Brad
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 8:14 PM, Hank <hnw555 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Andrew,
>> I am very concerned with your post. At the end you stated "mv Freckle".
>> Has your Rhodes been dismasted? Are you a closet Stinkpotter? As Ed (or
>> Herb or whoever it was) would say, inquiring minds want to know!!!
>> Hank (tongue firmly planted in cheek)
>> sv Lochan
>> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 9:06 PM, Andrew Collins <
>> sailingvesselcarmen at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dana and Ben
>>> You are both right, but the boom was aimed squarely at Ben's head with an
>>> aspersion which implies that he hears voices inside his head, which have
>>> escaped. An unfortunate slight given that Brad is cleverer than that.
>>> I am sure that Ben is sailing with his main sheet well in hand, and not
>>> jibing wildly in the political storm like the epithetically challenged
>>> dialectical horse marines that consume most of the air time on this World
>>> Wide Wrestling Smack Down that passes for a sailing forum.
>>> Nota bene: Brad, are property rights in the PRC equal to those here in the
>>> good ol' USA? Think about it, buddy. Ask your wife, she will know.
>>> On another note:
>>> Salve Cittadino! Sei un eroe, pero qua nel foro Romano c'e peligro della
>>> morte per tutti quanti, poi scommettere il sedere. Per spiegare, ho vissuto
>>> tre anni a Milano, quindi posso anche parlare un po'.
>>> trans:
>>> Hail Citizen! You are a hero as here in the Roman Forum the risk of death
>>> threatens us all, you can betcher ass on that. I lived in Milan for three
>>> years so I can talk some.
>>> Translations are like women, they are either beautiful or true.
>>> I apologize for any discomfiture the use of a foreign language may have
>>> caused. Perhaps some insults will flow my way as well, I am feeling
>>> neglected.
>>> David B. expressed my feelings about the epithetical and dialectical level
>>> on this forum eloquently, and harvested his just rewards.
>>> Just when you think you are scraping the bottom of the barrel, you find
>>> that
>>> you are skimming the cream off the top.
>>> Andrew
>>> mv Freckle
>>> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 8:28 PM, Brad Haslett <flybrad at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dana,
>>>> Ignore Ben, that "boom swinging your way" is the voice of freedom,
>>>> something you can't find this day outside"da list".
>>>> Soul mate?
>>>> You don't need a "soul mate" or a "Dear Leader" or anyone else other
>>>> than the voices you hear in your own head.
>>>> On the other hand, maybe the voices in Ben's head are escaping.
>>>> Brad
>>>> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 6:56 PM, Ben Cittadino <bcittadino at dcs-law.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Dana;
>>>>> Your choice is good to hear about, but I fear you have opened yourself
>>> up
>>>> to
>>>>> some powerful criticism on this site. Stand By, and watch that boom
>>>> swinging
>>>>> toward your head as we speak.
>>>>> Best Wishes, Ben C.
>>>>> Dana-30 wrote:
>>>>>> I've been a registered republican ever since my first job promotion.
>>> If
>>>>>> Obama's elected, I'll be one of those people that wealth is
>>>> redistributed
>>>>>> from. I hate the idea of my wealth being redistributed, but the
>>> issues
>>>>>> facing this nation are just too big to ignore based on my tax bracket.
>>>>>> Colin Powell is my soul mate. I'm voting for Obama.
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