[Rhodes22-list] POLITICAL: Another Class Act from the GOP
Steven Alm
stevenalm at gmail.com
Fri Oct 24 01:11:17 EDT 2008
You trash-talkin' my homies? Let me get this straight--you live in Memphis
and you think the Twin Cities are whacked? You're kidding, right? You're
basing your opinion on a blog by three yay-hoos? You ignorant moron!
Minneapolis is one of the most livable cities in the world. It's just like
a lot of other big cities except it's much cleaner, friendlier, more
accessible, more cultured, more diverse, affordable, known as the "Minnie
Apple" home of the U of M, one of the 3 most prestigious research
universities in the country, home of three professional sports teams, home
of frickin' Prince and Bob Dylan! and you think what!? What do the Somalis
bring? Diversity, my stupid friend. Cultural diversity. I don't expect
you crackers to get it. Of course you can't find good workers--you live in
the south!
You better check this out you Mo Fo: Scroll WAY down to find your little
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 5:52 PM, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com>wrote:
> So Ben, would you write Collins and ask if the folks stealing McCain
> signs, defacing election centers, etc are "Joe Biden's Real Americans"?
> I think the funniest thing from the left is that while they do
> everything they can to talk about what a poor choice Palin was, they
> work tirelessly to try to discredit her, and attribute all evil to her.
> I think they recognize who the strength of the ticket is, and it scares
> them.
> How about it Pete, you scared of the little lady? I think so!!
> Ben Cittadino wrote:
> > Gail Collins had the following column in the NYTimes today. It struck a
> > chord with me. My Obama sign was stolen from my yard (not a particularly
> > brave act as you can barely see my house from the road).
> > I took it as a "sign" that Jesus wants me to keep talking politics, at
> least
> > until after this election. If I can convince one "lurker" on this forum
> to
> > vote for Obama, or at least give the guy a chance, it will be adequate
> > revenge for the theft of my "freedom of speech" by one of Sarah's Real
> > Americans.
> >
> >
> > "October 23, 2008
> > Op-Ed Columnist
> > Confessions of a Phone Solicitor
> > Word comes from Madison, Wis., that a telemarketer named Ted Zoromski
> quit
> > his job this week over John McCain's message.
> >
> > Zoromski was prepared to interrupt people during their dinner hours to
> > encourage them to vote Republican. But when he got the script saying "you
> > need to know that Barack Obama has worked closely with domestic terrorist
> > Bill Ayers, whose organization bombed the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, a
> > judge's home and killed Americans," he packed it in.
> >
> > "Even though I was paid to do it, I didn't feel comfortable," Zoromski
> told
> > WKOW-TV.
> >
> > This story, relayed via Mike Allen on Politico.com, struck me because I
> once
> > worked as a telemarketer, and it is an occupation so soul-numbing that it
> is
> > hard to imagine that anything could make it worse. I woke up people on
> the
> > overnight shift who had just managed to fall asleep for the first time in
> > six days. Sometimes, when there was clearly nobody at home, I would just
> let
> > the phone ring and ring in order to avoid having to call anybody else.
> Once
> > after about 30 rings, I heard the breathless voice of a man who had
> climbed
> > down off the roof in hopes that this was the critical business call he
> had
> > been waiting for all year, the one that was going to change his life
> > forever. Imagine his joy when he discovered that it was, instead, an
> > exciting opportunity to purchase an entire packet of portrait photographs
> of
> > his loved ones at a special discount price.
> >
> > So truly, if you can come up with something that would send a
> telemarketer
> > over the edge, you have really overachieved on the offensiveness front.
> >
> > For a while, John McCain and Sarah Palin were so over-the-top about
> Barack
> > Obama that people in the crowds started yelling death threats — sometimes
> > while simultaneously begging McCain to "take the gloves off." The idea of
> > what they were hoping to see in a post-glove era scared everybody so much
> > that the campaign tamped things down.
> >
> > Opening for a McCain rally in North Carolina last weekend, Representative
> > Robin Hayes said he wanted "to keep the crowd as respectful as possible."
> >
> > In order to pursue that goal as efficiently as possible, Hayes then
> > announced that "liberals hate real Americans that work and accomplish and
> > achieve and believe in God." This was an especially unfortunate turn of
> > phrase given the fact that he had begun his remarks by saying he wanted
> to
> > "make sure we don't say something stupid."
> >
> > All this was a direct outgrowth of Sarah Palin's own comments in North
> > Carolina, in which she praised the "pro-America" areas of the country.
> But
> > Hayes had clearly been absent for the day in scurrilous campaign school
> when
> > they explain that you aren't supposed to specifically name the
> anti-American
> > parts.
> >
> > Meanwhile, over on MSNBC, Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota
> was
> > launching into the Obama/terrorist spin when she suggested that the news
> > media should investigate "the views of the people in Congress and find
> out:
> > Are they pro-America or anti-America." So far, the only person who's felt
> > the impact of her call to reinvent McCarthyism for a post-Communist
> planet
> > has been her opponent, a hitherto totally ignored Democrat named Elwyn
> > Tinklenberg, who was stunned to discover in the following days that he
> had
> > received close to $1 million in donations.
> >
> > When reporters first began covering political speeches in the 19th
> century,
> > politicians were so appalled at the idea that somebody planned to write
> down
> > what they said that they would stop speaking if a reporter showed up
> along
> > the campaign route. Today, in the post-macaca era, you'd figure that
> > politicians would be so sensitive to the perpetual presence of recording
> > devices that they'd censor their comments even while muttering to
> themselves
> > when taking a shower. Not to mention comments made right after they have
> > been made up, offered coffee in the MSNBC green room, had a technician
> > install three different recording devices under their clothing and given
> a
> > seat in front of a large camera.
> >
> > But the tone of this campaign has given some of the Republican faithful,
> > even those who are members of Congress, the impression that questioning
> the
> > patriotism of large groups of the population is now O.K.
> >
> > Right now, all the polls predict that in less than two weeks, Barack
> Obama
> > is going to be elected president. The McCain campaign disputes this.
> Large
> > numbers of Obama supporters are also in doubt, possibly because they keep
> > getting e-mails from their relatives in Toledo revealing that Obama has
> gone
> > to Hawaii not to visit his ailing grandmother, but to destroy evidence
> that
> > he is not actually an American citizen.
> >
> > For John McCain, the best question now is not whether he's going to lose,
> > but what kind of a country he'd wind up with if he won after a campaign
> even
> > a telemarketer can't love. "
> >
> > Ben C.
> >
> >
> >
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