[Rhodes22-list] centerboard repair - cap sealant? reply to Saroj

Lowe, Rob rlowe at vt.edu
Tue Oct 28 16:05:37 EDT 2008


I think if you look at the two photos I just sent out and read Lou's
text you might get an idea of how this is/was rigged.  Lou refers to two
blocks on the cap.  You can see two blocks mounted inside the bottom of
the cap and two on the centerboard itself. - rob

Ok for the threading  I truly believe that the pennant line should be  
connected through its hole then treaded to two mini blocks or  
something that functions as such on the cap.  You are saying below  
that your line starts from a "small U bracket fore of the foremost  
block on the cap".   For a true mechanical advantage in this small  
area to work I think you need 2 blocks on the board and two on the  
cap.   Btw if you research the archives you will see a  few pictures  
of how the board is supposed to be threaded.   I completely ripped   
out what makeshift things I had when i looked inside and installed  
Harken Mini blocks which are really not that expensive. I made a  
Ushaped bracket to hold my dual mini block Harken which attaches to  
the inside of my cap with 2  1/4x20 bolts.

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