[Rhodes22-list] But, It Makes for a Good Story, Right? (Political)

Herb Parsons hparsons at parsonsys.com
Mon Sep 8 07:20:06 EDT 2008

Oh, I don't doubt that he registered. However; I DO doubt that he 
registered when he graduated HS in 1979, since it had been suspended.

Brad Haslett wrote:
> Herb,
> Actually he did register, I'll attach the evidence.  A lot of the
> rumors floating around now about Obama are left over whispering
> campaigns from the Hillary camp. In fairness to Obama, the paperwork
> part of this story is false.  However, comma, he failed to mention his
> interest in joining the armed forces in either of his memoirs, and
> developing an interest so soon after being mentored by Frank Marshal
> Davis is suspect.  The article mentions his service as a "community
> organizer" and efforts to remove asbestos from public housing, etc.
> That's where the real story is, by all means Barry, tell us about your
> success with those projects. The damage from that interview won't be
> the "my Muslim faith" slip or the embellishment of "wanting to join
> the service" but more evidence that the man can't respond clearly and
> concisely to anything without a canned answer and a teleprompter.
> As we saw with the visous rumors circulated about Palin in the first
> five days and then run  by the MSM who chose to "float" them rather
> than do any homework, there's much floating around about "The One"
> that can and should be shot down.  There's plenty of damning truth
> about his two decades of community organizing to work with if the MSM
> gets off their collective asses.
> Slim is now going off on a tangent about Palin's religious extremism -
>  more hyperbole and far left rant being "floated" by the MSM.  She has
> not advocated teaching creationism or eliminating abortion as a public
> official.  She is on record as saying that she believes in
> creationism, and as a daughter of a science teacher, thinks kids
> should be exposed to both theories and let them decide for themselves
> since neither is incompatible with her faith or intellect. She does
> not believe in abortion but has not taken steps to make it illegal and
> isn't on record as saying she would do so.
> Brad
> -------------------
>     According to the Selective Service System, under the authority of
> the Military Selective Service Act (Act of June 24, 1948, c. 625, 62
> Stat. 604, as amended; 50 U.S.C. App. 451 et seq.):
>         A man must be registered to be eligible for jobs in the
> executive branch of the federal government and the U.S. Postal
> Service. Proof of registration is required only for men born after
> December 31, 1959.
>         The registration requirement was suspended in April 1975. It
> was resumed again in 1980 by President Carter in response to the
> Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Registration continues today as a
> hedge against underestimating the number of servicemen needed in a
> future crisis.
>         1-103. Persons born in calendar year 1961 shall present
> themselves for registration on any of the six days beginning Monday,
> July 28, 1980. (Source).
>         The obligation of a man to register is imposed by the Military
> Selective Service Act. The Act establishes and governs the operations
> of the Selective Service System.
>     Barack Obama, who states he was born in Aug. 1961, was required to
> register for the Selective Service in 1980. Did he?
> It is a rumor that the Obama campaign has chosen to ignore despite
> numerous requests, and it is a rumor that even Snopes couldn't seem to
> confirm or deny definitively.
> After contacting the Selective Service System for an answer several
> times since late June, Pajamas Media obtained official confirmation
> from the Selective Service System via email that Barack Obama did
> indeed register for the Selective Service as required by law, and is
> eligible to run for the presidency.
>     Mr. Owens,
>     Barack Hussein Obama registered at a post office in Hawaii. The
> effective registration date was September 4, 1980.
>     His registration number is 61-1125539-1.
>     Daniel Amon
>     Public Affairs Specialist
> On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 11:15 PM, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com> wrote:
>> Senator Obama said in an interview with George Stephanopoulos that he
>> considered joining the military when he graduated from high school.
>> There's an interesting detail to the story:
>>  From the article:
>> =====
>> Mr Obama was asked by George Stephanopoulos of ABC's "This Week"
>> programme whether he'd ever thought about military service and replied:
>> "You know, I actually did. I had to sign up for Selective Service [a
>> means of conscription in case of war] when I graduated from high school.
>> =====
>> While Senator Obama my think that "considering" serving is noteworthy,
>> there's one small hole in his story:
>> There was no requirement to sign up for Selective Service in 1979!
>> President Gerald Ford suspended the requirement in 1975, and it was
>> reinstated in the summer of 1980 by President Jimmy Carter. So, maybe
>> Senator Obama REALLY meant that he considered dropping out of college to
>> enlist, but I suspect that's not the real answer. I suspect he had to
>> have at least SOMETHING to appeal to those that are pro-military, and he
>> felt that his "newly-disclosed military ambition" would help without
>> disenfranchising the anti-military folks (after all, he DID decide not to).
>> Read the story  here:
>> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/uselection2008/barackobama/2700555/Barack-Obama-wanted-to-join-the-US-military.html
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