[Rhodes22-list] Rummy said at Sat Sep 20 13:40:07 EDT 2008
ekroposki at charter.net
Sat Sep 20 18:30:51 EDT 2008
At the hour and minute you were typing on your computer, I was making my way
out of Big Water via the main channel past all the boy scouts camping on the
big island. Funcky winds, but enought to go out and come back. There were
quite a few sailboats over on the Georgia side. You need another sailboat.
I saw a forelorne R22 sitting in the parking lot. Needs to be doing
something, not just sitting there.
As to newspapers, I have been in the main news room at Greenville News, that
is why I am critical. I know they have gotten rid of old timers, stringers
and have a couple of rookies pulling stuff off the wire.
If you want real local news, try the Greenville Journal, a weekly. It has a
couple of the former reporters working on local news. With the advent of
the internet, the Greenville News wants their readers to write copy instead
of paying a reporter. That is why the Greenville Journal has a some of
their best former reporters who can write and find local copy.
I will not submit copy. They should have some real reporters on staff.
I have a 357 nearby, to big to put under the pillow. I am license to tote
it and I do know how to use it. But it really is for hiking, and the wild
porkers. Up in Oconee county by the state tree farm, I saw a few that
weighed 200 to 300 pounds. I am getting to old to climb trees so I have to
have something big enough to stop them.
Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA
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R22RumRunner wrote:
> Ed,
> I don't have the time nor the energy right now to debate each one of your
> points. You do not have a clue as to how newspapers are put together. Any
> spelling and grammatical errors can be either the fault of the computer
> (spell and
> grammar checkers) or the bonehead typing the article into the computer.
> Newspapers are a daily item and the art that goes into putting them
> together day
> after day is amazing. Go take a tour of a modern paper sometime. Space or
> time
> restraints often dictate what newsworthy items make the paper or are shit
> canned. Usually a senior editor or news director has final say on what is
> published.
> Newspaper circulation is down for a number of reasons. Number one being
> the
> availability of news on the internet and the other the high cost of a
> single
> paper. Your reasoning that papers are read less because of content is
> absurd. Try switching over to decafe and take your meds as prescribed. You
> are the
> most paranoid person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Why don't
> you
> spend more time on worthwhile projects: such as real sailing, not just
> talking
> about it on this list. I will bring the rum and coke.You bring the ice and
> glasses. And, you will drink it. Come pick me up at my dock or I will
> ride
> the SeaDoo over to Big Water Marina.
> And since you didn't answer the question about the gun under the pillow,
> we
> can only assume that you do.
> Rummy
> In a message dated 9/19/2008 5:27:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> ekroposki at charter.net writes:
> Captain Rummy said, "In spite of what your little paranoid schizophrenic
> brain tells you, the MSM
> does not concoct stories." You are probably partitially right.
> Collectively they apparently do not the ability to 'concoct stories'.
> They
> just repeat the talking points sent out daily from Dean's and Obama's
> offices.
> Capt. Rummy said, "So people will depend on them for the news and either
> buy and read their newspaper or watch their news on the TV." Haven't you
> heard about the falling ratings of network news broadcast? After your
> Apostle Rather concocted his stories, CBS's ratings have dwindled.
> Haven't
> you ever asked why? Since Walter left CBS, when was the last time CBS
> reported a sailing event?
> Haven't you heard about newspapers falling circulations? Many plain and
> good Americas get tired of reading dribble. Daily my wife who likes to
> read
> the Greenville News points out grammer and spelling errors. Their
> articles
> either are not reviewed by editors or the editors that they have are not
> smart enough to catch spelling and grammer errors.
> You said, "Most of them are very honest and try to do as good a job as
> possible." If they [the reporters] do not know how to spell ordinary
> English nor use correct grammer, how good a job are they really doing?
> So the Obama campaign sent 30 or more lawyers and investigators to Alaska
> to
> get the dirt on Palin and destroy her. You know, in Chicago Daily style.
> Understand they were not sent to demonstrate her sucesses.
> I personally was involved in a news worthy event which was only covered
> by
> the Asheville TV station and newspaper. Where was the reporting by the
> Greenville News about a major search and rescue operation 70 miles north
> of
> my house. Did you see any reporting last Sunday and Monday about Caruso,
> North Carolina and the National Forest Service about the search for a
> missing person just north of the Blue Ridge Parkway near Sam Knob Creek?
> http://citizen-times.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=200880913103
> http://www.citizen-times.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=200880915128
> What the local papers do today is just copy the Associated Press articles
> and print them as news. Did you even notice how the AP did not
> cooperate
> with the Secret Service?
> You are right, "Without credibility, they have nothing to sell." So they
> create socialist goop to claim as news. Why is that the New York Times
> has
> circulation problems. Because Americans are tired of sticky goop and
> look
> elseware for what is really happening in the Country and World.
> I am sure each day real news is not reported, see above about event 60
> miles
> north of your house. And that is wigglely roads miles not as crow flies.
> Ed K
> Greenville, SC, USA
> Attachment:
> http://www.nabble.com/file/p19579688/above.jpg above.jpg
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