[Rhodes22-list] daggerboard

cjlowe at sssnet.com cjlowe at sssnet.com
Sun Jul 5 19:50:01 EDT 2009

While you've got the centerboard cap off and the centerboard out,it would
be a good time to scrape and paint the CB trunk and cap.Take a good look
at the blocks that are attached to the CB cap and the ones on the
centerboard itself. Check the tubing that the cb pendant goes thru to exit
at the campanionway for cracking and clamped and sealed on both ends. 
Above all,trust Rummy when he says take pictures.

Jerry Lowe

Picture of what it should look like when done at bottom of post

> Hi Folks
> Happy 4th.
> My boat is on the trailer and I need to replace the line that pulls the
> board up, as well as scaped and paint the board. Can this be accomplished
> while the boat is on the trailer? or do I need to pull the boat to pull
> the board straight up??
> Thanks,
> Jeff Timian
> work email jtimian at finsvcs.com
> cell: 904-557-1948
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