[Rhodes22-list] Rigging discussion, extra forestay(s)

John Lock jlock at relevantarts.com
Tue Jul 28 17:40:34 EDT 2009

Thanks for the reminder.  That's a good pictorial of dual furling  
headsails on the Rhodes 22.

That's similar too what I had in mind, but not exactly.  In  
particular, I'd like to put the UPS on the outer stay and the furling  
jib on the inner stay.  My reasoning is that I'll do more tacking on  
the jib than on the UPS (working upwind).  Therefore tacking should be  
most convenient on the inner stay.  Also, on my fractional rig, I've  
got extra space above the jib attachment to the masthead.  This may  
mean being able to hang a larger UPS than normally associated with the  
Rhode sail plan on the new outer stay.  Not sure that's a Good Thing  
and that's why I haven't just jumped on it yet.

John Lock
s/v Pandion - '79 Rhodes 22
Lake Sinclair, GA

On Jul 28, 2009, at 16:57, Leland wrote:
> Here you go:
>  http://www.rhodes22.org/upssail/index.html
> Compliments of one of Mary Lou's posts.
> Lee

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