[Rhodes22-list] Rudder Questions

Todd Tavares sprocket80 at mail.com
Thu Jan 26 22:07:04 EST 2012


 First of all; most of the people here, having read my posts these past seven or so years, know that I would normally suggest rebuilding the rudder yourself. This is a case where I (and I very rarely do) agree with Rummy. Save yourself a ton of trouble and see if Stan has an entire rudder assembly he could sell; even a used one in a more repairable condition.

 Secondly, there are two different styles of rudder heads sold on Rhodes 22's over the years. The rudder blades are the same on both styles.

 Bill, you have the "new" style which was used after about 1979, and Rob has the "old" style. See attached drawing. 

 One thing to consider if anyone wants to make a newer style rudder head themselves; the newer style heads have a total width of about 2 1/2"+. You can not buy off-the-shelf pintles to span them. I think Stan must have had them custom made.

 I had a couple of the older style rudderheads made from 1 1/2" KingStarboard and the were about $150.00 each...just for the rudderhead!! So consider Rummy's advice.

 Todd T.
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