[Rhodes22-list] older rhodes jib furler

PBR pbryanriley at gmail.com
Mon Jun 25 19:20:08 EDT 2012

One more photo that shows the line going into the drum.

On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 5:15 PM, PBR <pbryanriley at gmail.com> wrote:
> Jim,
> Mine is an 89 and I have this photo that should help.  The line begins
> inside the tube with a knot at the end then loops up to attach to the
> sail tab (not sure what to call it).  At the top, mine had a screw
> through a similar tab/strap and did not use the grommet. The bearing
> surface is the black disk riding on a small round washer/stop swaged
> on to the wire rope just above the fork terminal.  At least I think it
> was swaged on, I don't have the boat here handy.  The black piece is
> in two pieces, half circles, each held with two screws into the white
> part.  On mine, the
> hole through the center was wearing out larger and out-of-round so I
> have replaced it with some home made junk.
> -Patrick.
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