[Rhodes22-list] Thinking about heads
mcneelyd at site-solutions.com
Tue Mar 5 23:59:40 EST 2013
I won't have room for a conventional composting head, Ron. The porta-potty
that's currently in the boat is only about 12" high, and I'm 6'2" (and just
a little over 200 pounds) - so if I install a 19" high Nature's Head it
would take BoatUS Towing, the jaws of life, and an imaginative rescue crew
to pry me out. Even limiting myself to a head that's only 12" high, I'm
considering installing a hatch over the head. I'll let everyone digest
_that_ visual :)
I found an adhesive from West System (Gflex) that bonds well to HDPE plastic
(e.g. five gallon buckets). Once I get the mast video done, I'll post a
drawing showing two horizontal 5 gallon buckets joined to one vertical
bucket, giving me a composting toilet with two solids chambers (one actively
composting and the other finishing a compost cycle) and a liquid collector -
all about 12" high.
I first tried the adhesive when I bonded a modified Moss Hawg (plastic
cutting blades) to the foot of my outboard, to deal with cutting Lake Erie's
weeds. It worked well there, so I'm hoping it will work with the plastic
five gallon buckets as well. I'll have to run it through some rigorous
weight bearing tests before putting it in service. It could get real ugly,
real fast if it fails while underway.
For those who will be docking or anchoring in the waters of Ontario, keep in
mind that your head must be permanently mounted, can only allow emptying by
being pumped out (not carried ashore), and that any plumbing allowing
overboard discharge "must be visibly disconnected". Porta-potties without
pump out capabilities are a no-no. Apparently composting heads can be used,
but they have to be permanently mounted and set up so that solids and
liquids can only be emptied through a deck pump out fitting. For the
regulations in Ontario, visit
http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/debs-obs-quick-quick_visitor-1610.htm -
just a little past half way down the page (see "Sewage Restrictions").
The intent of the discharge laws (both US and Canadian) is good, but they
seem kinda silly - given the volume of effluent and fertilizer run off
generated and dumped by coastal towns and cities (whether accidentally or
intentionally). Regardless, there you have it.
s/v Magic Moments
berthed in Gibraltar, Michigan
-> snipped below for low bandwidth
-----Original Message-----
From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
[mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of butterchurn
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 4:17 PM
To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Great Lakes Voyage
What composting head are you going to use. I was thinking about one myself,
but I wasn't sure if it would fit in the head area on the Rhodes.
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