[Rhodes22-list] Docking and anchor lines
The Rhodes 22 Email List
rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
Mon Apr 20 17:26:12 EDT 2015
Thanks Bill. You are right about the 3-strand
nylon for the anchor rode. We also prefer it for
dock lines though we have some of both.
Mary Lou
At 04:35 PM 4/20/2015, you wrote:
>Most excellent post Mary Lou. The only thing I
>would add is to make sure the anchor rode is
>three-strand nylon as it stretches a bit under
>load and will act as a shock absorber. Not as
>important for dock lines, but you may want to
>consider snubbers. Bill W. s/v Fina Lee
>-----Original Message----- From:
>rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
>[mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On
>Behalf Of The Rhodes 22 Email List Sent: Monday,
>April 20, 2015 2:51 PM To: The Rhodes 22 Email
>List Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Docking and
>anchor lines Length of docklines depends on the
>configuration of where you will be tying up. If
>you tie up to a floating dock vs a fixed dock
>with cleats or to all pilings like in our
>current marina, your needs will be different. If
>you are putting your boat in a marina, check out
>what other people use. If you are just getting
>them for cruising , you'll need a greater
>variety. In our current slip we use, I think,
>2 25ft lines for the stern and a 25 ft and a
>very long custom line for the bow because one of
>the pilings we tie up to is some distance away.
>In our bucket of lines that we use while
>cruising, we have some 20 footers, some 25
>footers and some 30 footers. We've accumulated
>them over time and used them all at one time or
>another. I think most of the lines are 3/8. Too
>small and they are hard on your hands, too big
>and they crowd the cleats on the boat. As far as
>anchor rode and chain, there are some good
>articles about the kind and size of chain. I
>don't remember those details. West Advisor has
>We've had up to 15 ft. or chain on our Danforth
>anchor but it became to heavy for me to cart
>around the boats so we now use a Fortress anchor
>and their recommended 6 ft. of chain. For the
>Chesapeake you don't really need to worry about
>sharp things on the bottom. We also have a spare
>Danforth anchor. I believe one of them has has
>200 ft of rode and the other has 250. I believe
>the rodes are both 3/8" line. We've rarely
>anchored in 25 feet of water on the Bay so that
>seems sufficient. There have been a few time
>when we've been anchored in 20 ft and I've let
>out extra scope in a blow so I've been grateful
>for the extra length. I installed those plastic
>anchor rode markers on both rodes so I always
>know how much I have out. I rarely use more that
>70 or 80 ft as we usually are anchored in less
>than 10 ft. Best, Mary Lou 1991 R22 Fretless
>recycled 1998 Rock Hall, MD At 02:12 PM
>4/20/2015, you wrote: >Hi, Getting ready to
>launch and thought >Iâ¬d get your thoughts on
>size and length of dock linees and
>chain/line >for the anchor. Be sailing in the
>Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay. >Thanks, Bob
>Allen, Fairfax,
>VA >_____________________________________________
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