[Rhodes22-list] Help

Michael D. Weisner mweisner at ebsmed.com
Wed Nov 8 15:15:43 EST 2023

OK, Joe (and everyone), here is the list Charter (http://rhodes22.org/email-charter.html) and Usage Guidelines (http://rhodes22.org/email-guide.html) from the website:

**** Charter ****

Welcome to the Rhodes 22 Owners' Group Mailing List. This list is open to everyone with an interest in the Rhodes 22 sailboat. It is an automated email distribution list where messages addressed to the list are copied to every list member's mailbox.

The list is maintained by rhodes22.org as a courtesy to Rhodes 22 sailboat fans worldwide. It is hoped that the list will promote discussion about the Rhodes 22 sailboat and provide members with a means of sharing their interests and experiences.

The Rhodes 22 Owners' Group Mailing List will be open to discussion of all subjects specifically referring to Rhodes 22 sailboats or, Rhodes sailors. The focus of this group includes, but is not limited to:

    Encouraging the understanding and discussion of Rhodes sailboats or Rhodes sailors, in the many ways people wish to define them.

    Acting as a source of information for Rhodes sailboats or Rhodes sailors worldwide and for people planning to buy/sell/repair/learn about Rhodes sailboats or Rhodes 22 sailors.

    Providing a forum for the development and promotion of Rhodes 22 sailboats or Rhodes 22 sailors' culture, history, traditions and economy.

    Any other subject that might be found at a sailor's bar or the clubhouse bar, including, Rhodes sailboats or Rhodes sailors' travels, events, family, jokes, quotations, pets, etc.

    The level of discussion does not have to be fit for a child, but some good taste is expected.

    The discussion of politics is discouraged.

Posts to the group are expected to be considerate of other readers. Personal abuse, flames, and obscenities are not appreciated; but we are sailors...

To a certain extent, the interaction is about what you would expect in any informal social setting, for example, a bar. It is recommended that you get to know people first and introduce yourself (about the same social rules that you would use to meet any new group of people). There is a high level of chitchat on the list, and what you might think is insulting to a group or region might only be people kidding each other after knowing each other for years. As in any bar, the subjects of politics and religion can lead to heated augments and bar fights. These might be best avoided.

It is recognized that a group is only whoever posts to it, no more and no less. We can only talk about what people post about. You earn respect on the list by your postings and trying to help each other, you cannot demand it. Most sailing topics we have talked about at one time or another already, we chit chat in the mean time, waiting to answer questions or for a new subject/story. If you want to know something, please post it, the more detail the better. If someone is trying to help you please answer their reasonable questions. If you can help someone, again, post it. Try to repay the knowledge you may have gained.

**** Usage Guidelines ****

ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE: To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your delivery options, recover a lost password, temporarily disable/enable your account, maintain dual email addresses, etc., go to the list admin page.

POSTING: You must be subscribed to the list to post messages. Once you have subscribed, sending mail to rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org will distribute it to all the members of the mailing list.

ATTACHMENTS: You may include certain attachments to your messages. Most image files and plain text files will be accepted as well as PDF files. Attachments that are accepted by the email list software will be kept on our server. The attachments themselves will not be distributed to other list members. Instead, links to the attachments will be inserted into the distributed message at the very bottom of the message. Attachments that are not accepted by the email list software will simply be stripped out of the message before it is distributed.

Unfortunately, due to technical issues beyond our control, if you send email to the list from an Apple computer using the native email client, your attachments will probably be stripped out as well. As a work-around, you could use a third-party email client instead. The Spark email client is free and seems to work for sending attachments to the list

REPLYING: When replying to a post, you should make a point of replying at the top of the message. Also, it's a good practice to remove all but the most relevant quoted text in your reply. This keeps messages smaller, for easy reading, and makes archive searches more efficient because there is less duplicated material.

SUBJECT LINES: Subject lines are important, especially for keeping the archives useful. If you start a subject thread, please try to make the subject line as descriptive as you can. If you reply to a message in a way that changes the subject, please change the subject line accordingly.

s/v Wind Lass ('91)
Nissequogue River, NY
I’d rather be sailing :~)

-----Original Message-----
From: Rhodes22-list <rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org> On Behalf Of jpd9668
Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 3:01 PM
To: The Rhodes 22 Email List <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Help

Mike,While we're talking administrative topics, it think it would be helpful to recommend to List subscribers to include they're first and last names, vessel name and year(s) and hailing port as you and many other do. Newer members aren't doing that and some don't even include their name!BTW, my name in the heading is listed by my email address. How do I change that to my name?Thanks in advance.Joe DempseyTrojan 42 MYMV VoyagerEx-Rhodes 22 (1989/2005)SV RespiteDeltaville, VASent via the Samsung Galaxy S22 5G, an AT&T 5G smartphone

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