[Rhodes22-list] Traditional Mast Backstay problem

Art Czerwonky a_czerwonky at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 24 22:08:03 EDT 2024

Your boat wisdom is well appreciated. I would appreciate your insights as I find a new skipper for s/v Mary Jane, my '86 with IMF. I really want to keep it connected within the fleet, although I have a broker connection interested.
You may know of an interested would be skipper who wants to upgrade to a boat in very good condition with only one issue, the stored rudder was destroyed in a fire. The cost of the boat/trailer combo will be most reasonable. 
Any response should be directed only to my email and I will be most responsive to an early message. 
Thank you, Roger.
Art Czerwonky Atlanta 
Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer 

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