[Rhodes22-list] topping lift?

Graham Parker gramille at tds.net
Sun May 26 20:25:54 EDT 2024

Thanks guys - that’s one all!
 Other opinions invited.
and what about the pulley at the top of the mast?

> On May 26, 2024, at 15:03, Shawn Boles <shawn.sustain at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all:
> Mine runs aft of spreader on port side, then through a  small spring
> turning block by aft shroud, to cleat on cabin top.
> Cheers,
> Shawn
> S/V Sweet Baboo (1986/2010)
> On Sun, May 26, 2024, 10:24 AM peter beckerman via Rhodes22-list <
> rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   It is indeed the topping lift.  I won't call this definitive, but on my
>> boat the line runs forward of the spreaders, port side.  Undoubtedly
>> someone with more experience will chime in.
>> Peter
>> [ Sent From rhodes22.net ]

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