[Rhodes22-list] Political - for Brad's Eyes - notrelatedtosailing!
Mark Kaynor
mark at kaynor.org
Fri Feb 18 11:52:19 EST 2005
Oh no! The list is back to politics and I don't have a Rhodes 22 any more.
Gee, it hardly seems worth it <g>.
-----Original Message-----
From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
[mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of stan
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 10:15 AM
To: The Rhodes 22 mail list
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Political - for Brad's Eyes -
I do not even remember his name yet but the senate minority leader sounded
good to me, so far (another Truman type?)
Re SS. from a selfish point of view Rose and I are getting ours so why worry
(but you know I need diversionary entertainment). So I'll ad that we have
thought that everyone was looking at this program myopically. It really
either was meant to be, or should have been meant to be, a Social Security
Insurance program where everyone pays into it and only those who need it
when the time comes take the benefits.. My father-in-law was modestly
wealthy and kept getting his SS checks which amazed us kids because he
simply didn't need it and so would put it into the stock market - he was
ahead of Bush's time.... .
My guess is that while the president is out there pushing his investing in
the market idea, the market is going to be crashing and kill the vote.
----- Original Message -----
From: "brad haslett" <flybrad at yahoo.com>
To: "stan" <stan at rhodes22.com>; "The Rhodes 22 mail list"
<rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Political - for Brad's Eyes - not
> Stan,
> One of the names that keeps coming up for the Dems in
> 2008 is Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen. Evan Bayh shot himself in
> the foot with a lot of moderates over the Condi vote. Bredesen was
> Mayor of Nashville, a self-made multi-millionare from the health care
> industry, from the Northeast originally, and I voted for him as
> Governor and probably could as President.
> Anyway, Bredesen just last month made massive cuts in Tennessee's
> universal health-care program, Tenn-Care, because it wasn't
> sustainable and was bankrupting the state. I think nearly everyone
> with a heart wants universal access to health care but these huge
> social programs have so far proven difficult to administer.
> Ever been to a hospital in China? Change in our current system is
> certainly needed but massive government take-over of health care
> hasn't worked all that well in the communist/socialist countries and I
> don't see it working well here either.
> Now as to SS. Did you read what Greenspan had to say?
> Certainly everyone that has bought into the myth of SS, like my
> parents, need to be protected. But for my kids, they need to be told
> the truth. When the program started the ratio was 40 workers for
> every recipient. Now its 3 to one. When I start drawing benefits
> (I'm not holding my breath on that and am planning otherwise) the
> ratio will be 2 to 1. This is a no-brainer Stan. The numbers don't
> add up. When you politize the math and scare the shit out of old
> people its irresponsible. I can't honestly look my kids in the eye
> and tell them that SS is a good deal for them. The handwriting is on
> the wall. This is not a Republican or a Democrat problem, this is
> simple demographics. Go to the latest McKinsey newsletter and you'll
> see China is facing the same problem. Its simple math!
> Brad
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