[Rhodes22-list] The blue and the white

Robert Skinner Robert at SquirrelHaven.com
Wed Oct 1 15:56:59 EDT 2008

Brad Haslett wrote:
> ...
> Never underestimate the wisdom of the 
 > "average" blue collar worker!

In the beginning, the white collars wrote
about it, the brown collars fed it, and
the blue collars built the tools.

Now, the blue collars are still building.
What they have built, lasts.

What the brown collars grow still feeds us.

But the white collars no longer write to
inspire us, to lead us to greater endeavors.
The tools that the white collars build are
made of paper, inflated by wishful thinking,
and motivated by greed.

White ain't so white any more -- looks more
like green and yellow.


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