[Rhodes22-list] political: sarah palin ties to iranian terrorist group - you betcha

Robert Skinner Robert at SquirrelHaven.com
Wed Oct 8 23:51:39 EDT 2008


I applaud your post.  Whether or not the content
proves to be accurate, it is a proper counter to
the slime that is being spewed by the neo-cons.

Don't let the practically-foaming-at-the-mouth
right wing attack group shout you down.  You have
every right to be heard.  Sweet Sarah is not the
sacred cow that the neocons would like people to
believe she is.

She is more like the poor goat that they put
outside the African safari compounds to bring in
the lions.  Her main value is to be a distraction
from the failed neocon economic policies and
their horrible consequences for the common family.


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