[Rhodes22-list] political: sarah palin ties to iranian terrorist group - you betcha

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Thu Oct 9 08:04:17 EDT 2008


Sorry to disappoint you 'ole' chap but these AIP rumors regarding
Palin were debunked almost as soon as they were started.  She made an
appearance as Mayor of Wasilla welcoming the AIP to the city during
their convention a few years back, and last year made a video as
Governor wishing them success on their convention.  She's been a
lifelong Republican (though some of her fellow Republicans doing jail
time wish she weren't).

You seem to have fallen victim to underestimating her very real
accomplishments.  Don't worry, you're in good company.  The CEO's of
three major oil companies, two former Alaska Governors (one a Senator)
and several others have made the same mistake.

If what you're seeking is a socialist leader, Obama is surely your
man.  From youth forward he's studied under communists/socialists,
surrounded himself with Marxists and anarchists, and spent millions of
other peoples money on radical race based education policies. To call
him a liberal is a disservice to liberals and obscures his true self
(see below).

I agree that everyone has the right to be heard.  Tell your friends in
the Obama camp to quit harassing TV and radio stations and 527 groups.
They've already asked the Dept. of Justice to intervene on their
behalf, what do you think will happen if they gain power?  Been
watching the voter fraud lately?




(above web articles were linked below)

Why the press hides Obama's lies

October 8, 2008 - by Roger L Simon

Ever since the first sound bites of the execrable Reverend Wright hit
the airwaves, it has been obvious that Barack Obama is a less than
candid human being. It was impossible to believe that a man who had
spent twenty years in Wright's pews did not have a pretty good idea of
the minister's vile views.  You would have had to have been deaf and
dumb not to. And Wright was the inspiration of Obama's books!

Yet when the candidate was confronted by the press about this, he
denied knowing about Wright's excesses and made a speech that was
hailed by the media as a monument in race relations equal, some said,
to Dr. King.

It was at that precise moment I knew we were living in a
media-constructed lunatic asylum.  That didn't take a rocket
scientist, I can assure you, only someone with a modicum of common
sense.  But it only got worse.   When Wright predictably "acted out"
and let loose with one of his racist screeds of the very type Obama
pretended never to have heard, the candidate blithely pushed the
minister under the bus with barely a peep from the compliant press.

About that time I learned of his putative relationship with William
Ayers, the unrepentant Weatherman.  I was assured by the New York
Times and others that this was of no consequence, that Ayers was, in
Obama's words, just "some guy in the neighborhood."

Another lie.

The more we learn of Obama's ties to Ayers the more complex and
disturbing they become.  It is unlikely that we will ever know the
extent of them, certainly not before the election.  Most of what we do
know does not come from the Times or the Washington Post of vaunted
Woodward & Bernstein fame, but from [1] Stanley Kurtz of the National
Review, who has been following this story of the Ayers-Obama whitewash
for months. Under orders or not, the normally voluble  Mr. Ayers
himself has kept his yap shut.

And now we learn of yet another strange obfuscation or omission.  In
1996, Obama was apparently a member of the Chicago "New Party," a now
defunct [2] socialist political party of some stripe or other.

There's nothing wrong with being a socialist.  I called myself one for
the better part of twenty years.  Millions of people have and many
still do.  But there is something very wrong with hiding who you are
or who you were from the electorate—especially if you want to be
President of the United States. Yet that seems to be a habit of Mr.
Obama's, with the collusion of the press.  To my knowledge, no one in
the mainstream media has begun to inquire into the details of Obama's
curiously unreported years at Columbia and Harvard, although much
could be relatively easily ascertained.  Obama himself has not been
remotely forthcoming about them.

The inescapable conclusion is that Barack Obama is a highly deceptive,
often dishonest individual.  Again, many would say this is standard
operating procedure for politicians in our culture (and most others
too).  But Obama presents himself as something different, a new kind
of post-modern politician above the conventional dirty dealings of
backroom politics.

Of course, by now that is something of a joke—yet the press is loath
to admit it or to do much to balance the investigative reporting
equation. They don't even begin. What is the explanation for this?
The most obvious reasons are bias and the desire to defeat the
opposing candidate. But beneath these obvious explanations, I sense
something more complex and pathological.  Deeper fears are perhaps at
play - the loss of self-image and personality disintegration, also a
desperate need to conform to a fragile peer group.  And in these times
more than ever, a yet more potent terror – job loss.

On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 10:51 PM, Robert Skinner
<Robert at squirrelhaven.com> wrote:
> Pete,
> I applaud your post.  Whether or not the content
> proves to be accurate, it is a proper counter to
> the slime that is being spewed by the neo-cons.
> Don't let the practically-foaming-at-the-mouth
> right wing attack group shout you down.  You have
> every right to be heard.  Sweet Sarah is not the
> sacred cow that the neocons would like people to
> believe she is.
> She is more like the poor goat that they put
> outside the African safari compounds to bring in
> the lions.  Her main value is to be a distraction
> from the failed neocon economic policies and
> their horrible consequences for the common family.
> /Robert
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