[Rhodes22-list] A Case for Obama; Calm Yourself Tootle
Ben Cittadino
bigben65 at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 7 11:02:17 EDT 2008
My Dear Culture Warriors;
So....are we having fun yet?
First, I'd like to thank Richard and Slim for stepping up to join the "Assault on the Citadel".
The bullets don't sting as much when the adversary's fire is spread out among more than one target.
In the words first uttered by Gen. "Vinegar Joe" Stillwell, "illegitimi non carborundum".
As for Tootle, Brad, and Herb, you guys crack me up. I posted about Obama only because I saw Tootle's post that
suggested anybody supporting Obama was either a marxist, or a farm animal. What did he expect when he said that?
Herb, where was your outrage that Tootle would refer to some of his fellow "Rhodies" in such derogatry terms? Supporting Obama or McCain
may turn out to be right or wrong, but if we debate policy and don't engage in mere name-calling this "sailor's bar" could be an interesting place.
Richard's "geezer" remarks are defensible on several grounds. First, he was provoked. Second, he was defending ME.
Third, it was funny. Calling someone a "marxist" as Tootle did is several magnitudes worse than gentle kidding of the
"old fart" kind. Surely you see the difference.
The positions I tried to lay out as reasons some people support Obama were intended as an outline of ideology (as Slim noted),
not an argument supporting any position. For example, Herb, you are pro-life and will probably vote for McCain/Palin in part for that reason.
I am pro-choice, pro-embryonic stem cell research and so I will support Obama/Biden in part for that reason. It is not hyperbole to point out
the policy differences that explain my choice. What I know for sure is that marxism and "sheepiness" have nothing to do with it. I have thought about all of my positions on the issues I mentioned and am completely prepared to explain and justify them. In Brad's oft' repeated mantra I know I have "done my homework".
Enough for today. The games will be on soon.
Ben C. , s/v Susan Kay, Highlands, NJ
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