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    >Planjam 2004

     >Planjam 2003

     >Memorial Day 2002    

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R.A.C. Planjam 2004

~Rhodes Association of the Chesapeake~

Welcome to the 2nd Annual R.A.C. Winter Planjam.

L to R  Will Barry, Jay Friedman, Kathy Buyse

L to R  Dan Buyse, Jay's friend Mindy (a Rhodes 19 sailor), Fred Kaiser


L to R  Fred Kaiser, Russ Miller, Tom Deliberto


L to R  Tom Deliberto, Dave Scofield, Don Clarke, Jeanne Clarke

L to R   Jim Harrison, Rosemarie, Connie Huebner, Vic Huebner

L to R  Jim, Rosemarie, Connie, Vic, Gil Eaton, Tina Olexy


L to R  Vic, Gil, Tina, Shirlee Miller, Will Barry








Contact: wp.barry@att.net for changes and edits